Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's Okay to Be Me!

Yesterday, I read a blog post from a girl I went to college with.  It was a great post and I have been thinking a lot about it.  I related to it.  It basically talked about how she wanted to be okay with being herself.  To summarize, she talked about how she was always trying to be this super mom, comparing herself to other women who seemed to be able to do it all.  Not that she (or myself) have anything against these moms but it just wasn't her and it's not me.  And she would get depressed and find herself in a funk.  I have been there.....many times.

Well I've decided to adopt her philosophy.  So here's to a new me, who is okay with being just me. I hope this doesn't come across as me giving up or settling on being just a mediocre mom. And I'm not giving myself permission to be lazy.  That's not it at all.  And that's not the point my friend was making either.  It's just that I will do my best, and my best is good enough.  I want to be a great mom but just because someone else can do more or does things differently, doesn't mean I'm not a great mom.  It just means I'm me.  I will always try to be better and grow.  As long as we are moving in a forward direction, we are on the right path.  This is part of Heavenly Father's plan for us, to progress.  He doesn't expect us to get it all at once, so why should we or do we expect it?  This is so hard to put into words.  Is this even making any sense?

Anyway, here is a quote my friend used in her post that she got from Pinterest.

"Be okay with where you are, even if you know you want to change."

And with her permission, here is a link to her blog post.  I would recommend reading it.  She is better able to put into words, many of my same feelings.  Just click HERE.

And here is another awesome blog post I saw on Facebook.  Click HERE.

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