Friday, February 7, 2014


So I didn't know what to call this post.  I have a bunch of random pictures I want to show you. So here are pictures from our November.  Enjoy!

One of our first, if not THE first, family outing as a family of four was to the Nimbus Fish Hatchery. Jocey loves to feed the fish. The girls and I actually went back a couple days later to watch the spawning process. Super fascinating!

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Here's some shots of Emma during a couple photo shoots.

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Jocey is a really big help with Emma. One day she "helped" by bringing different binkies for Emma to try out. She had a good pile to choose from.

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I love buying holiday clothing. This is Jocey and Emma in their Thanksgiving outfits. I love it!

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And last, is what happens a lot to Emma. She spits up a lot. And when she spits up in her bed with her face down, this is the product. Poor thing. (Update: We have since discovered formula specifically for spit up issues and this doesn't happen much any more.)

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