Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"

Oh how I love Christmas! We stayed here for the holidays and had lots of fun. But first here's some much needed Christmas cuteness.

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It's rare that I can get them to sit and look at the camera at the same time. Hence the following pictures.
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Ok, now that I've got that out of my system, on to Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at Dave's dad's house. As is tradition though, we went to the McCaffree's for dinner and fun. After eating we played Christmas "Family Feud." It was lots of fun. Then we read excerpts from a Christmas story that we used at our Ward Christmas Party that goes over the different characters of the nativity. And then Grandpa Great read THE Christmas story from the Bible. Always a good time.

We headed home and the girls found Christmas jammies to sleep in. Then we added a new tradition from the Hughes family. Along with milk and cookies for Santa, they also set out reindeer food. Jocelyn (and Jake and Jessi) had a blast making the reindeer treats. Apparently, they like oats, carrots, and glitter (it makes it easier for them to spot from above). After that Jake and Jessi opened their presents since they were spending Christmas day at their dad's. Then we went to bed and waited for Santa to come.

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Making the reindeer treats.

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Setting out the reindeer treats.

The next day we ate lots of food and opened lots of presents and had lots of fun! When we went back to our house, we were happy to see that Santa had stopped there too and filled our stockings. That guy...doesn't miss a thing.

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This was one of the girls favorite gifts. A Frozen playhut.  Thanks Germany Broughs!

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The girls opening and enjoying their presents.

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