Monday, September 12, 2011

Giants and Planes and Babies, OH MY!

We had a very fun filled weekend. So here we go.

Giants: We went to a San Francisco Giants game on Friday night.  We drove down with Mitch and Christa in their new Prius.  That's a fancy car.  We met up with Matt and Meagan, Jeff and Kelly, and Jensen and Erika.  Dave went to school with all the boys so it was fun to catch up with them.  We were on the second highest row and at such an angle that we couldn't see the Jumbotron and we lost but we still had a good time.  After the game we went to Jensen and Erika's place and ate donuts. They were delicious and they have an amazing view.  They live on the 24th floor in the middle of downtown and one side of their apartment is all windows.  It was so cool.  We left late and got home at 2 am.  We had left Jocelyn with Grandpa and her uncles and so we stayed the night there too.


 I zoomed in.

Proof that we were actually there.

Planes: The next morning we took it slow since we were so tired but eventually made our way home and brought Mike with us.  We freshened up since neither Dave and I had remembered a change of clothes or even a toothbrush for the night before.  Then we headed to the California Capital Airshow.  It was hot and loud (for Jocelyn).  We just strolled around and walked in some big planes.  Dave and Mike even got to sit in a smaller plane but then got kicked out but not before we got some pictures.  First of all, other people were climbing in it, and a lady told us we could get in and it wasn't roped off like every other plane so I blame the airshow. :)  Anyway, we watched some fly shows and then headed back to our house for some refreshing smoothies.  Then we went to El Dorado Hills and watched the BYU football game.  Sadly, we lost.

Future pilot?  Probably not. 

This is how much Jocelyn loved it.

Babies: And just because I can, here are some cute pictures of Jocelyn and what she's been up to.

 She loves to climb.

We don't have a gate up yet so we just put the carseat in front of the gap but Jocelyn found a way around that.  Smarty pants.

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