Sunday, September 18, 2011


I just have to make a quick post about Jocelyn.  She is really starting to show some more personality.  She is getting some attitude.  She has this little high pitched scream when ever I take away something she shouldn't play with or move her away from the stairs or other things she shouldn't be doing.  It's kinda cute but also annoying and it feels like she is heading straight for the temper tantrum stage.

It's crazy how quickly they change. I know EVERYONE tells you have fast they grow up but it's different actually witnessing it first hand.  She really is this tiny adorable little PERSON.  Though she is showing some attitude, she is still so sweet and incredibly cute.

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Jocelyn is so cute. I love the shirt. Ivy has quite the little attitude as well. It will be fun to see how they get along in a few weeks. I am so excited.
