Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our Growing Girl

Jocelyn is learning new tricks.  She can now give high fives, give kisses (which she is very selective about and she actually only leans in toward you so you can give her kisses), and she can clap.

And within the last month she has gone from this:

to this within the last couple of days:

Yes, she is getting very close to walking big time and she can stand up by herself now.  She doesn't do it often but she can do it.

And here are some pictures of her lately. I can't believe how fast she is growing. 

Jocey loves to read her books. 

She also loves to hold onto our legs while we walk. 

Her first pony tail. 

What a cutie in that nightgown! 

She loves lasagna.


  1. What a cutie! love all the posts and so glad you and jenn had fun together :) sounds like life is pretty great, we love ya!

  2. I'm impressed. I'm pretty sure she'll be walking before Ivy.
