Friday, December 3, 2010

"Babies Everywhere!"

So our little bundle of joy has decided she isn't ready for the world. Her due date was yesterday and at my doctor's appointment they said I was still only dilated to 1cm (like the week before). They also wouldn't be able to strip my membranes because I was still in a posterior position and my doctor said if she tried, I would be in tears. So we are waiting for another week. I am scheduled to be induced next Thursday, Dec. 9th. I'm hoping she still comes earlier than that but apparently she has her own time frame. I guess she'll come when she is ready. The good news about waiting a few extra days is that I'm able to get over a cold so I can fully enjoy her when she does decide to join us.

Anyway, here are some pictures of her little corner in our room. I painted the "J" and made the name sign. I got the idea from a friend. Enjoy and pray that little Jocelyn comes before next Thursday. It would be much appreciated. :)


  1. I am so sorry that your baby stood you up. I know how that is. Go to the temple and try and relax one last time before you have a beautiful bundle that disallows that. :) And I'd love to bring you guys dinner -- so save me a date!

  2. That is so cute. I love what you've done for Jocelyn. You are so creative. I feel like my nursery is pretty shabby now.

  3. So cute! you're gonna be such a fun mommy! and there is plenty of wall space for all those cute photos you take of her :)
