Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Utah, This Is The Place

This is the place I call home.  Just a couple days after we got back from Hawaii, Jocelyn and I flew to Utah for two weeks. Jocelyn was a great little traveler.  The weekend after we arrived we headed up to Farmington to Lagoon.  As long as I can remember, we've gone to Lagoon when we come to Utah.  We went to the water park first and then on to the amusement park.  My brother and his family were in Utah as well as my sister-in-law and her kids that have been in Japan for a couple of years.  It was so fun to get to see all of them.  Here are some pictures of Lagoon.

This is for you Brad.

Jocelyn and her cousin Joshua.  People thought they were twins.  They're about 3 months apart.

On our way back home, Jocelyn fell asleep with her mouth on the caterpillar's antennae.  It made me laugh.

Once back at my parent's house, in good ol' Enoch, we just played with cousins and friends.  We went to Cedar's new aquatic center which Jocelyn loved.  She played in the bubbles for most of the time.

She loved the warm water.

We had FHE while we were there and learned the song, "Once There Was A Flower," sung to "Once There Was A Snowman." Clearly the adults loved it just as much as the kids.

And I think Lilia loved dessert.

Jocelyn loved Bella, our cousin's dog.

Lilia and Max, loved playing together.

After Dave and Melanie and their kids left, things got quiet around the house.  Jocelyn and I went back up north to Provo to visit family and some of my friends for a day.

We met up with Jacob, Josh, and Tara.  They were really happy to see us.

Okay, they really were happy.

We went to dinner with some of my old roommates.  It's always so great to see them.

And to goof off with them.

After our short trip, we just had fun bonding with Grandma and Grandpa.

And Jocelyn has developed a love for playing the piano.

The day before we left we went to Beaver and visited some cousins that I haven't seen for years.  Jocelyn met Hagan who is 2 weeks younger but several pounds larger.  I love the chub.

We had such a wonderful time in Utah and can't wait to go back.  But we sure missed daddy and loved coming home to him and our new apartment.

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