First, she has this interest in gum. I have tried a couple times to teach her how to chew gum and not swallow it but she hasn't caught on yet. So I don't let her have gum. Multiple times I have found her with a couple wrappers around her and she has told me that she ate some gum. Not so bad. But one day I came out of my room and found an entire package of gum opened and all the sticks tore into little pieces all over the carpet. Luckily she hadn't chewed it up so it was pretty easy to clean up but still what a waste. (Maybe this doesn't seem like a big deal to you but gum has been a life saver with this pregnancy. It keeps me from gagging so I love it and hate to see it wasted. Especially the good kind.)
Next, one of the worse days of my life. It was nap time. Maybe 30 minutes after putting Jocelyn down I hear her calling my name so I go to check on her. The first thing I notice is the white all over hands and then I slowly start looking around the room. This is what I see.
And this:
(Please allow a nerd moment. Does this remind anyone else of Lord of the Rings? You know the white hand of Saruman?)
Yes, this is diaper rash cream. Jocelyn was also poopy and I didn't know what to do because I couldn't change her on her table since it was covered with diaper rash cream. So I take her in the bathroom, making sure she doesn't touch anything, because remember that her hands are covered in the cream too, strip her down, wipe her bum and throw her in the tub. Then I head back into the bedroom to assess the damage more closely.
Not only was it all over her changing table but it was on her bed and a blanket on the wall from Thailand! AAAAAGGGGHHHH! I lost it. I had already yelled at Jocey and now I was in tears. I didn't know where to start or what to do. I called Dave and was able to gain some control. I cleaned her bed off and washed her sheets. Luckily most of the cream was on her bed frame and only a little on her sheets so it came off easily. I washed her shirt twice and ended up having to throw it away because it wouldn't come out. I left the rest of the mess for Dave to deal with (he said he would do it) and went and took care of Jocey.
For those of you well acquainted with diaper rash cream, you know that it is water resistant. That stuff does not come off. So I wiped and wiped Jocey until I was satisfied. Dave was able to clean the cream off the table and shoes easily but the canvas totes would not come clean so now they have been turned around. And as for the blanket, I wiped it off and still need to wash it but I'm so scared I'll ruin it.
I did some research and here is what I came up with. Dish soap will supposedly take out diaper rash cream. And if it ever gets in hair use peanut butter then dish soap. I haven't tried it myself but that seems to be the consensus online.
It's almost been two weeks since this unpleasant event. I can now look at it with calmness and even a little bit of a sense of humor. Just a little bit. But needless to say, all cream, lotions, and powders have been removed from Jocelyn's room.
The last act of mischievousness has to do with crayons. Seriously, Jocelyn hit the terrible twos recently. But it appears only occassionally. Thankfully. Anyway, I was napping and when I come out I see Jocelyn with her coloring books and crayons. No problem. Then I come closer and notice red lines on the carpet. Jocelyn got time out while I tried to figure the best way to tackle the mess. Luckily Dave just bought some spot cleaner and I tried it out. It was amazing. It came right out. Jocey is one lucky girl. Her crayons have been put on probation though. And if you are wondering, the cleaner is Professional Resolve: Spot and Stain. I also just used it on pre-existing stains left by the former owner of the house and they came right out. And that is after I had cleaned the carpets with professional shampoo products before we moved in. I'm sold!
So now that you've heard all the hard times recently, let's talk about some good times. Jocelyn has her moments (see above examples) but for the most part she is still a very good and sweet girl. Since the weather has been amazing, we have been playing outside in the water alot. We started just with a bucket of water but then I decided to get Jocey a kiddy pool and she loves it. Daddy even joined her once.
We also spend a good amount indoors because of said heat. It's already killing me and it's only May. But I'm happy to announce that Jocey likes Harry Potter. She has requested it and I'm not one to turn down Harry. She does get scared sometimes but I just skip those parts. She really likes Dobby.
And in case you were wondering, Jocey has major swag.