Sunday, May 5, 2013

Catch Up Randomness

So I've caught you up on most of the big things we have been up to but here are some pictures of other random little things going on around our neck of the woods.

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Jocey loves playing with chalk.
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Jocey is a climber.  She got stuck in her changing table.
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Dave and Jocey love playing with her baby headbands.
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Jocey helping daddy with the weeding.
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We find Jocey in the weirdest sleep positions sometimes.  Now she has a big girl bed.
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Again proof that Jocey loves to climb.
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Stretching with daddy.
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She wears my heels better than I do.
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Jocey loves holding babies and has already told me that she will hold the baby in my belly.
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Watching TV with daddy.
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Look at this rat's nest.  No wonder she hates when I do her hair.
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Jocey is so happy.  She did the puzzle behind her all by herself.
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And look what we got.  Our very own washer and dryer.  We also have a dining table and chairs, entertainment center, and are working on getting shelves for the garage.  Hallelujah!


  1. Ahhhh we miss you guys so much! Nothing like your own fancy washing machine and dryer to make laundry day fun again!

  2. Your house looks really nice! Love all the pictures of jocey!
