Friday, February 7, 2014

Goodbye Gladys, Hello Minivan

We sold my glorious Dodge Stratus, named Gladys.  We weren't planning on getting much out of it because it's a '99 model and was really looking frail these days: rusted paint, some sweet graffiti (from my wonderful young women in our past ward), etc.  But it just so happened that Dave put it on Craigslist and within a few hours it was sold and gone.  If Craigslist didn't work out, we were just going to sell it for parts.  But we got lucky because a girl had wrecked her car (not so lucky for her) and was looking for something cheap but reliable (it never left us stranded) to get her to and from work until she could get something else.  Enter Gladys.

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We told them every little thing wrong with her. Obviously, we were trying to be very open and honest about everything.  But I was still really worried that something would happen the day after she bought it because it was that old.  But everything has worked out well.  But it was kind of sad simply because it happened so fast.  But I'm over it now because look at this beauty.

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We bought this minivan from Dave's dad. It's a Honda Odyssey. And it drives so much smoother. We have yet to name it. We'll have to deliberate for some time I'm sure. ;) Anyway, this van is so nice to have and so much more spacious. I love driving it and seem to find the smallest excuse to do so.

P.S. In case you're wondering, Dave kept his Mazda Protege, though it's older than the Stratus, because it was doing better.


  1. Our minivan is The Minion Mobile, so that name is already taken.

  2. Wow you are way ahead of me in life. A minivan!
