Friday, February 7, 2014

He's Home! Let's Do a Slow Clap!

Dave's brother Mike got home from his mission in Brazil. How excited we all were!

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And it was so fun to see him come down the escalators at the airport and see his face when he discovered his niece Emma for the first time. Yeah, we didn't tell him I was pregnant or that we'd had another baby while he was gone. Here's the reason why. Before I was even pregnant, he kept telling us that he was on to us, that we secretly had another baby etc. So when we actually did get pregnant, we thought it would be funny to not tell him. We told everyone to keep it a secret as well and somehow it worked. His reaction was priceless. If you want to see the video, check it out on Facebook. It's not working when I try to add it here.

And if you're wondering what the "slow clap" in the title has to do with, Mike likes a good slow clap. You know, like in most sports movies, during a really emotional part, someone starts clapping really slow, and then more people join in and the clap gets faster and faster. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Check this out:  Anyway, I feel his welcome home would have been more complete with a slow clap but oh well. 

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