Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Picture Tag and Awesome Link

First, I was tagged to do that 6th folder, 6th picture thing. If you have no idea what I am talking about you are supposed to open up your 6th picture folder and go to your 6th picture and post it for all to see. So here is my picture and I tag whoever wants to do it.

This is a bonfire we had last fall on the beach. It was huge and blazing hot but super fun!

Second, I just found a group on Facebook for Enoch 1st Ward (my home ward back in Utah) and they had the awesomest video I have ever seen. Thanks Kaela for putting it on YouTube. So I thought you would all want to enjoy 5 minutes of entertainment. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPBK5rdZckE. I laughed hysterically especially when I saw my dad dancing (he's the one right after the Nursery). Now I know where I get those mad dance skills. I'm also really impressed that my grandparents got in on the action. I sure am proud to me a Brough and a Grimshaw. Maybe it is more funny to me since I know some of the people but I think everyone can appreciate a good show. Enjoy!


  1. I love the video!Enoch 1st Ward made me proud. The only things they were missing were the rest of the Broughs!

  2. I think I'll do that TAG right now, sounds fun! and Happy Dr. Seuss, we miss you, you made the world a more silly place to live!
