Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lil' Cutie Patootie!

Dave and I just can't get enough of this little girl. She is developing such a personality and is learning new things everyday. This video for example shows a new face she just started doing last night. We love it.

We just love watching her and seeing the funny things she does. She has discovered her hands and her feet and sometimes just stares at them. She had her 4 month check up this last Friday. She is now 12 lbs, 10 oz (28%) and 25 inches long (78%). She is tall and lean though she looks so chubby. I can't believe how fast she is growing.

Here are some pictures of her lately.

Jocelyn is still deciding whether or not she enjoys her swing.

She loves being attended to in the bath. "Just a little more to the right dad."

This past week I had a little too much fun playing dress up with Jocelyn but she was a good sport and gave me lots to work with. I have these really cute onesies that are springy colors so I wanted to take pictures of Jocelyn in them since it's spring and also because she is going to grow out of them very soon. We also got a super cute bum cover and matching hair bow so we had fun with that too. She really knows how to work the camera.

She is "smizing." Tyra Banks would be so proud.

A little bit sassy.

She will be a great singer.

This is her "I'm done with all the pictures mom" face.

This is the cute little bum cover. It says, "Don't smell the daisies."

So cute though the bow is bit too much.


  1. She is adorable!!! I love all the pics in the cute onsies and that bum cover is hilarious!!

  2. too cute! And that face must be a family thing, Max does the same thing. Wish we could get them all together! She's gorgeous!
