Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am a MASTER of the Universe!

That's right, today I just finished taking my last test at school...EVER! I am now a Master, at least of my own universe. I was going to bust out my fur underwear and broadsword and take a picture, but considering the fact that my "fur underwear" would just be a shirt tied around my loins, and my "broadsword" would be a large kitchen knife, I figured it wouldn't have the same powerful effect as the real He-Man would. Besides, where could I get an awesome iron vest stolen from the Red Cross at this hour? I did, however, call upon the powers of Grayskull to help me through my tests. I think my simultaneous interpretation tests were pretty awful, but the rest of them were alright. I don't really need to pass the simul tests in order to get my interpreting certificate, so it's not that big of a deal. I graduate on Saturday. Yes, I have the power!

And check out the size of 'dem der thighs! Since finishing my test, my thighs have been growing as well.Master's Degree completed. Next task: finding Skelator's lair.


  1. Well, I'm learning to sew and we have you two for christmas this year. I could make you fur underwear. =)

    Congrats on the graduating! We can't wait to see you this summer!

  2. Congrats!! Off to conquer the world? (After Skeletor's lair, of course...)
